The Work

Life has its inevitable challenges that are opportunities to learn and grow from. Imagine being able to break through whatever you'd like to change by removing obstacles you may not even be aware of. Surprisingly, struggling on any level of our being, and in any area of life, is rarely due to a lack of will, an incorrect approach, or bad luck. Challenges are often a direct result of programming that has been downloaded while in the womb, at birth, and throughout one’s life. The subconscious, much like a computer, automatically stores perceptions of everything experienced through the five senses. And in the same way viruses and spyware impact a computer, the discordant energy associated with those perceptions form beliefs that negatively impact our relationship with ourselves, relationships with others, and how we relate to life. Moreover, programming has an energetic charge that attracts its same, thus creating obstacles keeping us stuck.

Cynthia's work is a combination of Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) and Healing the Multi-Dimensional Self (MDS). Spiritual Response Therapy is a healing methodology that identifies, clears, and reprograms obstacles of discordant energy from the soul and subconscious. SRT accepts the premise that everyone has experienced previous existence, where unresolved issues and false beliefs have been carried over into this life. Healing the Muli-Dimensional Self™ (MDS) is a healing approach that transforms trauma, reprograms our spiritual DNA, and repairs damage to our energetic structure. The work of SRT and MDS transforms energy, expands consciousness, and increases self-empowerment to actualize desired goals and well-being.